Hoa Tran, Springvale


I was in good ol’ springy to get my hat for my traditional dress and and I was getting a touch hungry and on the verge of hangry. Mr D quickly eyed Hoa Tran and rushed me in and promptly sat me down and started ordering from the menu. Smart kid. Anywho, Hoa Tran is in the alley way and it was super busy when we got there but we were able to snag a table. When you walk in, it’s like every other Vietnamese eatery, signal to the staff how many people were dining, sit down and look over the menu. Mr D got the usual Vietnamese ice coffee and this was quite good. It was very bitter with a touch of sweetness and you could really taste the caffeine which is the way he liked it.

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Minh Ky, Springvale

We were down in the Springvale area and I was getting super hungry so Mr D took me to the place where everyone goes to have vietnamese food – Minh Ky. It was super busy all the time but we managed to have our lunch at 2PM and there were still 3 tables full. There were menus hanging on the walls but you also get a physical menu with loads more options. 
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