ITALY: Wonderful Ice Cream, Roma



Whilst in Italy, Mr D and I had been having A LOT of gelato (when I say a lot, I mean literally 3 times a day!) and we stumbled across Wonderful Ice Cream while shopping on the main road.


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ITALY: La Cucina Nazionale, Roma

It was dinner time and Mr D and I promised ourselves we would stray from the main street but we were so tired we just dropped into the first place we saw – La Cucina Nazionale. Now, we were greeted warmly and that was about the service we got (step up your game Rome!). The interior was lovely and there was such a happy vibe and it cheered me up a bit.

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ITALY: Bar Viminale, Roma

While wondering around I got peckish seeing as it was lunch time, I needed to eat and PRONTO. We found a bar around the corner from our hotel and it wasn’t really friendly or inviting but I needed my food fix. 

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ITALY: La Grotta Guelfa, Firenze (Florence)

For our last night in Florence I felt much better so we decided to venture into alleyways and steer away from the tourist main roads. I’m so glad we chose to do that because BAM we ran into La Grotta Guelfa and sure, it looks like every other pizza joint but I was too tired to go any further so in we went.

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FRANCE: La Tete A Toto, Paris

Miss Tour Guide and her hubby decided to take us out for some FRENCH food because you guessed it, we were in FRANCE! They took us to la tete a toto and the setting is a classroom in a school where the tables and chairs they used were what was used in a school (nerd alert!). It was super adorable as!!

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